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Baby Sea Turtle Release in Costa Rica

Travel creates the opportunity for new experiences. 

And in our experience, asking a simple question can change the whole game.

This experience, joining in a baby sea turtle release in Costa Rica, is one such example.

And it started from a question that we could all ask more often…

That question?

Can I help?

That’s all it took for Emerson, then just 3 years old, to join the team of volunteers at ASVO in Montezuma in releasing the day’s newly hatched baby sea turtles.

As a parent, watching our child listen so attentively, treat each baby sea turtle with so much love, and watch his pride grow from within was so rewarding. 

It was such an amazing experience, one we’ll never forget, and it all started with a simple question.

Now, we have a question for you: Do you want to help?

The AVSO works actively to conserve protected areas, beaches and communities in Costa Rica, promoting environmental volunteering with social awareness.

If you are willing and able to help, either by joining a sea turtle release in person or through donation, you can get more information and connect with the Association of Volunteers for Service in Protected Areas here.

#savetheweeturtles 🐢

baby sea turtles

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